CVK 350C Poker scanner analyzer comes into the market ever since last year. It's in the cover of Samsung look and available in black and white. As for the color, some people likes black a lot while some prefer to the white one. It's nature that everyone has his or her own favorite color. Just that we try our best to meet your need.
For the CVK 350C poker predictors, they may have the following advantages.
Firstly, it has a built-in camera inside, so that you can use this CVK 350C device to be both the scanner and analyzer in the scanning system. Just choose the local camera inside the poker analyzer to scan the side marked cards when playing. That means, the CVK 350C scanner poker is a all-in-one device.
Secondly, the CVK 350C poker scanner analyzer also works well with wireless scanning camera, such as mobile phone camera, car key camera, chip-tray camera, lighter camera and so on.
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